Dogs come in various breeds, sizes and can be categorized in numerous ways, we are however going to focus on just “pure small dog breeds”.
Various factors are responsible for accurately classifying a dog as a small breed, these factors are, but not limited to the following;
- Size: According to Pawsomedoggie Toy dog breeds can span a length between 6-9 inches while a small dog is between 8-12 inches. With this in mind, it is important to know that most dogs above 12 inches can also be categorized as a small dog breed.
- Weight: According to Petplace Small and Toy dog breeds can weigh between 2 – 37 pounds (1-17kg), while DogPwnd considers Small or toy dog breeds to weigh between 2 – 22 pounds (1-10 kg)
With that out of the way, let us take a look at all the various pure small dog breeds;

- Nature: Curious, Loyal, Funny, Brave.
- Height: 9-11.5 inches
- Weight: 7-10 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Alaskan Klee Kai

- Nature: Energetic, Smart, Loyal
- Height: 13-17 inches
- Weight: 10-15 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-16 years
American Eskimo Dog
- Nature: Clever, Active, Playful
- Height: 9-15 inches
- Weight: 6-20 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 13-15 years
American Hairless Terrier

- Nature: Smart, Inquisitive, Alert
- Height: 12-16 inches
- Weight: 12-16 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 14-16 years
Australian Terrier

- Nature: Upbeat, Courageous, Curious
- Height: 10-11 inches
- Weight: 15-20 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 11-15 years

- Nature: Intelligent, Smart, Active
- Height: 17-16 inches
- Weight: 22-24 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 13-14 years

- Nature: Loyal, Friendly, Curious
- Height: 13-15 inches
- Weight: 20-30 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 10-15 years
Bedlington Terrier

- Nature: Athletic, Alert, Smart
- Height: 15-17.5 inches
- Weight: 17-23 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 10-15 years
Bichon Frisé

- Nature: Curious, Alert, Smart
- Height: 9.5-11.5 inches
- Weight: 12-18 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 14-15 years
Biewer Terrier

- Nature: Loyal, Alert, Smart
- Height: 7-11 inches
- Weight: 4-8 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 16 years

- Nature: Loyal, Alert, Smart
- Height: 7-11 inches
- Weight: 4-8 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 16 years
Border Terrier

- Nature: Upbeat, Tough, Affectionate
- Height: 12-15 inches
- Weight: 11.5-14 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Boston Terrier

- Nature: Alert, Amusing, Friendly
- Height: 15-17 inches
- Weight: 12-25 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 11-13 years
Brazillian Terrier

- Nature: Alert, Friendly, Confident
- Height: 13-16 inches
- Weight: up to 22 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
Brussels Griffon

- Nature: Alert, Sociable, Curious
- Height: 7-10 inches
- Weight: 8-10 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Cairn Terrier

- Nature: Alert, Active, Curious
- Height: 7-10 inches
- Weight: 8-10 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Cardigan Welsch Corgi

- Nature: Loyal, Affectionate, Smart
- Height: 10.5-12.5 inches
- Weight: 25-38 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

- Nature: Gentle, Graceful, Athletic
- Height: 12-13 inches
- Weight: 13-18 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Cesky Terrier

- Nature: Adventurous, Clever, Alert
- Height: 10-13 inches
- Weight: 14-24 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Long Hair Chihuahua

- Nature: Sassy, Graceful, Charming
- Height: 5-8 inches
- Weight: <6 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 14-16 years
Chinese Crested Hairless

- Nature: Alert, Active, Affectionate
- Height: 11-13 inches
- Weight: 8-12 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 13-18 years
Cirneco Dell’Etna

- Nature: Independent, Friendly, Affectionate
- Height: 16.5-19.5 inches
- Weight: 17-26 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
American Cocker Spaniel

- Nature: Intelligent, Cheerful, Gentle
- Height: 13.5-15.5 inches
- Weight: 20-30 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 10-14 years
Coton de Tulear

- Nature: Cheerful, Witty, Smart
- Height: 9-11 inches
- Weight: 8-15 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 15-19 years

- Nature: Intelligent, Cheerful, Gentle
- Height: 5-9 inches
- Weight: <11-32 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-16 years
Danish-Swedish Farmdog

- Nature: Trainable, Energetic, Alert
- Height: 12.5-14.5 inches
- Weight: 15-20 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 11-13 years
Dutch Smoushond (Dutch Ratter)

- Nature: Alert, Charming, Playful
- Height: 14-16.5 inches
- Weight: 19-22 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 13-15 years
English Toy Spaniel

- Nature: Gentle, Smart, Playful
- Height: 9-10 inches
- Weight: 8-14 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 10-12 years
French Bulldog

- Nature: Sociable, Patient, Alert, Athletic
- Height: 11-12 inches
- Weight: 16-28 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 10-14 years
German Spitz

- Nature: Loyal, Attentive, Active
- Height: 12-15 inches
- Weight: 24-26 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 13-15 years
Glen of Imaal Terrier

- Nature: Gentle, Brave, Docile
- Height: 12.5-14 inches
- Weight: 32-40 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 10-15 years

- Nature: Intelligent, Cheerful, Active
- Height: 12.5-14 inches
- Weight: 32-40 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 10-15 years
Icelandic Sheep Dog

- Nature: Friendly, Curious, Playful
- Height: 16.5-18 inches
- Weight: 25-30 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
Italian Greyhound

- Nature: Alert, Affectionate, Playful
- Height: 13-15 inches
- Weight: 7-14 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 14-15 years
Jack Russel Terrier

- Nature: Alert, Inquisitive, Upbeat
- Height: 10-12 inches
- Weight: 9-15 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-14 years

- Nature: Hardworking, Sociable, Smart
- Height: 13-16 inches
- Weight: 17-22 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 10-12 years
Japanese Chin

- Nature: Graceful, Noble, Loving
- Height: 8-11 inches
- Weight: 7-11 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 10-12 years
Japanese Spitz

- Nature: Loyal, Funny, Intelligent
- Height: 12-15 inches
- Weight: 10-25 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
Japanese Terrier
- Nature: Loyal, Playful, Cheerful
- Height: 8-13 inches
- Weight: 5-9 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
Lakeland Terrier
- Nature: Friendly, Confident, Bold
- Height: 14-15 inches
- Weight: less than 17 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Lancashire Heeler

- Nature: Alert, Intelligent, friendly
- Height: 10-12 inches
- Weight: 9-17 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Lhasa Apso

- Nature: Confident, Intelligent, Funny
- Height: 10-11 inches
- Weight: 12-18 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years

- Nature: Affectionate, Lovable, Outgoing
- Height: 12-14 inches
- Weight: 15 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 13-15 years

- Nature: Graceful, Charming, Playful
- Height: 7-9 inches
- Weight: less than 7 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Manchester Terrier (Standard)
- Nature: Observant, Spirited, Smart
- Height: 15-166 inches
- Weight: 12-22 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 15-17 years
Manchester Terrier (Toy)

- Nature: Alert, Spirited, Sharp
- Height: 10-12 inches
- Weight: <12 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 15-17 years

- Nature: Sociable, Friendly, Gentle
- Height: 10-11 inches
- Weight: 4-10 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 13-14 years
Miniature American Shepherd

- Nature: Well-Mannered, Smart, Loyal
- Height: 13-18 inches
- Weight: 20-40 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-13 years
Miniature Bull Terrier

- Nature: Mischievous, Funny, Upbeat
- Height: 10-14 inches
- Weight: 18-28 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 11-13 years
Miniature Pincher

- Nature: Fearless, Proud, Loving
- Height: 10-12.5 inches
- Weight: 8-10 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-16 years
Miniature Schnauzer

- Nature: Outgoing, Smart, Obedient
- Height: 12-14 inches
- Weight: 11-20 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Norfolk Terrier

- Nature: Alert, Fearless, Confident
- Height: 9-10 inches
- Weight: 11-20 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-16 years

- Nature: Agile, Alert, Fearless
- Height: 16.5-18 inches
- Weight: 20-30 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 14-17 years
Norwegian Lundehund

- Nature: Alert, Athletic, Loyal
- Height: 12-15 inches
- Weight: 20-30 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Norwich Terrier
- Nature: Affectionate, Curious, Alert
- Height: 10 inches
- Weight: 12 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years

- Nature: Friendly, Alert, Upbeat
- Height: 8-11 inches
- Weight: 5-10 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 14-16 years
Parson Russel Terrier
- Nature: Friendly, Active, Clever
- Height: 13-14 inches
- Weight: 13-17 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 13-15 years

- Nature: Affectionate, Loyal, Regal
- Height: 6-9 inches
- Weight: 14 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
Pembroke Welsh Corgi

- Nature: Affectionate, Athletic, Cheerful
- Height: 10-12 inches
- Weight: <30 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-13 years
Peruvian Inca Orchid (Small)

- Nature: Affectionate, Loyal, Agile
- Height: 9.75-15.75 inches
- Weight: 8.5-17.5 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen

- Nature: Cheerful, Alert, Energetic
- Height: 13-15 inches
- Weight: 25-40 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 14-16 years

- Nature: Curious, Bold, Vivacious
- Height: 6-7 inches
- Weight: 3-7 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-16 years
Poodle (Miniature)

- Nature: Proud, Agile, Intelligent
- Height: 10-15 inches
- Weight: 10-15 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 10-18 years
Poodle (Toy)

- Nature: Agile, Smart, Proud
- Height: Less than 10 inches
- Weight: 4-6 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 10-18 years
Portuguese Podengo Pequeno

- Nature: Playful, Athletic, Alert
- Height: 8-12 inches
- Weight: 9-13 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-1 years

- Nature: Mischievous, Charming, Loving
- Height: 10-13 inches
- Weight: 14-18 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 13-15 years

- Nature: Intelligent, Agile, Bold
- Height: 15-18.5 inches
- Weight: 22-29 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-13 years
Rat Terrier

- Nature: Friendly, Agile, Curious
- Height: 10-18 inches
- Weight: 10-25 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-18 years
Russel Terrier

- Nature: Alert, Curious, Lively
- Height: 10-12 inches
- Weight: 9-15 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
Russian Toy

- Nature: Smart, Loyal, Cheerful
- Height: 8-11 inches
- Weight: 6.5 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-14+ years
Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka

- Nature: Curious, Playful, Friendly
- Height: 9-10 inches
- Weight: 4.5-11 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-16 years

- Nature: Alert, Confident, Curious
- Height: 10-13 inches
- Weight: 10-16 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
Scottish Terrier

- Nature: Confident, Alert, Spirited
- Height: 10 inches
- Weight: 18-22 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12 years
Shetland Sheepdog

- Nature: Playful, Energetic, Intelligent
- Height: 13-16 inches
- Weight: 15-25 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-14 years
Shiba Inu

- Nature: Alert, Active, Attentive
- Height: 13.5-16.5 inches
- Weight: 17-23 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 13-166 years
Shih Tzu

- Nature: Affectionate, Playful, Outgoing
- Height: 9-10.5 inches
- Weight: 9-16 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 10-18 years
Silky Terrier

- Nature: Friendly, Fast, Alert
- Height: 9-10 inches
- Weight: <10 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 13-15 years
Smooth Fox Terrier

- Nature: Amusing, Friendly, Independent
- Height: 12.5 inches
- Weight: 15-18 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Swedish Vallhund

- Nature: Smart, Energetic, Friendly
- Height: 11.5-13.5 inches
- Weight: 20-35 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Teddy Roosevelt Terrier

- Nature: Playful, Lively, Intelligent
- Height: 8-15 inches
- Weight: 8-25 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 14-16 years
Tibetan Terrier

- Nature: Affectionate, Sensitive, Loyal
- Height: 14-17 inches
- Weight: 18-30 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 15-16 years
Toy Fox Terrier

- Nature: Friendly, Smart, Alert
- Height: 8.5-11.5 inches
- Life Expectancy: 13-15 years
Wire Fox Terrier

- Nature: Confident, Alert, Sociable
- Height: 15.5 inches
- Weight: 15-18 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
Yorkshire Terrier

- Nature: Affectionate, Feisty, Brave
- Height: 7-8 inches
- Weight: 7 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 11-15 years
Data for this article was sourced from the American Kennel Club, Dog Time