Papillons are a tiny, affectionate, gentle, and patient dog breed that is easy to train and is quick to grasp new skills and instructions.
Do Papillons bark a lot?
Papillons are known to not bark a lot but can easily get noisy and bark more than usual for a variety of reasons, such as medical discomfort and behavioral issues amongst other things.
Papillons are not known to be very vocal, compared to other small dog breeds such as the Pomeranian, which is notorious for being loud and vocal.
It is best to avoid complications with your pooch by discovering and understanding the various reasons he/she might be barking constantly in order to find viable solutions.
In this blog post, we will be taking a brief look at the Papillon’s temperament, the various reasons that could be responsible for its constant barking, how to stop your pooch from barking constantly, whether or not constant barking could harm them, amongst other things.
Let’s get started.
The Papillon’s Temperament
Originally bred as companion dogs for noblewomen, they are known to be friendly, versatile, curious, and quite alert.
Papillons are eager to please and do very well with obedience training. They are intelligent and can easily take to new commands and teachings, which comes in handy when you need to break a bad behavior such as excessive barking.

Positive training is essential for the development of a well-balanced and behaved Papillon, as they are willing to learn and can be attentive.
Why Your Papillon May Be Barking Excessively
There are various reasons why your Papillon may be barking constantly and they range from behavioral to medical.
In this section, we will be going into detail on some of these reasons to give you a better understanding of what might be responsible for your pooch’s constant barking.

Some of the most common reasons your Papillon could be barking constantly include:
Medical Ailment
Non-stop barking could be a symptom of serious illnesses.
In most cases, a Papillon can bark more when suffering from a wound, hearing problems, old age, or severe stomach ache.
Check your Papillon for visible injuries, if you do not see any, it could be internal, in such cases, a trip to the vet should be your next course of action.
Medical issues aren’t easily noticed as the cause of a dog’s constant barking, the best way to note this is to pay attention to him/her and pay attention to sudden changes.
When your Papillon is barking excessively, he/she could be worried or in fear of imminent danger at home or outdoors src.
A dog would react appropriately to noise, objects, strangers, or a pack of aggressive dogs.
Despite its size, the Papillon would react accordingly to any looming threat without fear.
A dog seeks attention by barking to ensure its immediate needs are met.
Your dog can develop the habit of barking more to gain your attention or that of other animals in your home while seeking a playmate or a reward.
Excessive barking could also indicate that your dog is hungry or needs to go out for a walk.
Separation Anxiety
A dog is usually in need of attention. He/she could quickly develop separation anxiety if left alone for long hours.
Separation anxiety “is a state where your dog becomes extremely stressed out, act anxious and scared when left alone” src.
A Papillon suffering from separation anxiety is likely to bark more and exhibits destructiveness, pacing, inappropriate elimination, or depression.
Dogs thrive in a pack and can get bored when left alone for long hours, accounting for insufficient mental and physical stimulation.
If your Papillon is left alone in the yard or house for long, he/she could start barking more.
With time, you are likely to note that it tends to bark more than usual to express boredom and sadness.
Territorial Barking
Your pooch is smart enough to identify and mark its territories. It won’t hesitate to defend it if threatened.
A Papillon can get really protective of his/her owner and could play an essential role in ensuring that you are protected.
Your Papillon could display aggression if a stranger or new dog comes on your lap, in the house, your car, or any other area that your dog considers personal territory.
This can be worrisome, especially when your Papillon isn’t properly socialized from early puppy age.
How To Stop Your Papillon From Barking Excessively
Stopping your Papillon from barking excessively, not only gives you peace of mind, it will also strengthen the bond you have with your pooch.
You can employ the measures highlighted below to stop your dog from barking excessively.
Eliminate the Barking Triggers
Dogs are highly sensitive to certain sounds and objects within their vicinity.
This can be in various forms such as car horns, a bicycle bell, the mailman, children running by, or the music from an ice cream truck.
To solve this problem, you can cover windows and fence your home such that your Papillon is not distracted by these sounds, objects, or strangers.
Soundproof windows and doors can also reduce the frequency of how much your dog barks during the day or night.
Spend More Time with Your Papillon
Your Papillon can develop separation anxiety if constantly left alone for a long period of time. Constant barking is a sign your pooch could be suffering from this.
Get closer to your pooch by spending more time with him/her. You can achieve this by going out for daily walks, getting him/her properly exercised, or ensuring you have adequate play sessions with him/her.
If you are unavoidably absent for a longer period of time, you can seek the aid of a professional trainer, walker, or a daycare.
This helps to ensure that your dog is constantly in the company of people or pets which gets him/her mentally and physically stimulated, maintaining all-around wellness and stability.
Use the Distraction Method
You can avoid excessive barking by distracting your pet. You can divert attention by shaking your car keys or other objects to make the dog focus on you.
An unconventional method would be to scream in a very loud pitch, this sound will startle your pooch, returning order and giving you the opportunity to address whatever the situation may be.
After gaining his/her attention, you can give a command and grant a reward in case of full cooperation.
Visit the Veterinarian
Your veterinary can help you silence your dog. You can rule out medical causes or injuries as causes of excessive barking by consulting professionals.
Your vet can help you develop a viable action plan that is best for a young or old Papillon.
Can Constant Barking Hurt Your Papillon?
Fortunately, constant barking is not harmful or tiresome to your Papillon or any other dog breed.
Dogs bark for reasons like fear, greetings, delight, boredom, or sickness. It is unusual to expect that your dog shall be in total silence.
In case your dog is barking excessively, take the initiative of identifying the problems and viable solutions to ensure that your dog barks normally.
Excessive barking is not dangerous to the health of your Papillon but could endanger your relationship with neighbors.
Your neighbors can take the step of reporting your dog to the relevant authorities if your state has such provisions. You can take the liberty of letting your neighbors know of your dog’s condition as you seek the best solution.
Different barks are conveying different messages. After spending more time with your Papillon, you can learn triggers for a specific bark.
Employ viable solutions at your disposal to ensure that the matter at hand is resolved. In case excessive barking persists, you can take to visit the veterinarian to reduce the frequency of your dog’s barks.
In this case, training is made more natural, and you can develop stronger bonds and synced cues with your pup.
Elsewhere, the excessive barking of a Papillon can cost you extra dollars. If home training does not come out as expected, you may need to seek the help of a professional trainer or trainer.
If you plan on getting more dogs in the future, you may need to get professional training to learn how you could prevent excessive barks in the future.
Understanding what your Papillon’s barking could mean
Barking is one of the numerous ways dogs communicate. Their barks could mean a variety of things.
Pay close attention to the frequency, pitch, and tone of each bark, they equip you to better access the situation.
The table below shows examples of different reasons for barking and their barking sounds:
S/N | Reason for Barking | Barking Sound | Notes |
1. | Raising an alarm | A rapid mid-range bark with occasional pauses and breaks in between. | Your dog would bark when it notice something suspicious, to alert you. |
2. | Saying “I don’t like it” or being irritated | Low growl that progresses into low pitched short barks | When your dog isn’t so keen on whatever you are doing to him/her, like, putting them in a crate or putting a leash on them, they would warn you to communicate their displeasure. |
3. | I need your attention | Prolong high pitch barking with short intervals in-between | Lonely or bored dogs could bark at you seeking attention. It is important to avoid encouraging this behavior as it might escalate into separation anxiety |
4. | Saying hello | One or two sharp, fairly mid-range barks. | When you or someone they know come home, your dog could greet you with a bark, saying ‘hello, I am happy to see you again. |
5 | I am nervous/anxious/ scared | High pitched with short intervals of growling. | When a dog is nervous or anxious, they tend to bark loudly, wagging their tail while moving backward or away from whatever or whoever is making them nervous. |
Bottom Line
Papillions aren’t very vocal breeds and having your Papillon bark constantly is usually an abnormality requiring immediate attention.
Remember, the Papillon is an intelligent small dog breed, as such, they are keen on picking up habits and behaviors, it is important to stay firm and never reward bad behaviors such as excessive barking.
You can reward this by giving him/her attention or being carefree about the whole fiasco.